  • C / C++ / Qt / C#
  • PHP / HTML / CSS
  • jQuery / AJAX
  • Python / Bash
  • MySQL / SQLite
Operating Systems:
  • Windows
  • Debian / Ubuntu
  • ArchLinux
  • iOS / Android
  • MCUXpresso IDE
  • Qt Creator / VS
  • Photoshop
  • MatLab
  • Microsoft Office
  • Fusion 360


  • Embedded

    I develop in C for the microcontrollers on many electronic cards, using various bus and communication protocols.

  • Network Admin

    After 4 years of studies on the computer network, I remains very close to network protocols.

  • Graphic Designer

    I have a taste for modern design. I like to give ideas on the marketing aspect and product graphics.

  • Web Site

    Web developer of training, I always keep a foot in the sector through personal creations of website.

  • Dance Addict

    For 9 years now, I practice Latin dance, it's a real hobby. It's important for me to keep this sociable side!

  • Video Games

    In the agenda of a geek, there is always room for video games. I don't escape the rule. I still avoid MMOs and TV series because it takes a lot of time.

  • Do It Yourself

    By linking my development and network knowledge, I like IT security. Hacker white hat to make modding app and automation.

I working for:
MICHELIN www.michelin.fr

Michelin offers its customers services and solutions that improve tire and vehicle performance, simplify maintenance, increase availability and safety for users, while reducing operating costs and reducing environmental impact.

My university studies:

My experiences:
Download my CV